The Use of Excimer Phototherapy In The Dermatological Treatment Of Various Skin Diseases
About The Author
Professor Thierry PASSERON is a dermatologist, academic professor and researcher who works for INSERM and based in CHU of Nice, south of France. Pr. PASSERON is a worldwide specialist in vitiligo and has been among the first users of excimer phototherapy. He ran several studies on vitiligo, psoriasis and alopecia areata using 308 nm lasers and lamps.
Excimer phototherapy refers to dermatological treatments using the monochromatic light at 308nm. It has been I ntroduced in the early 2000’s and is now used to treat a wide range of skin disorders such as vitiligo, psoriasis, mycosis fungoides, atopic dermatitis or alopecia areata. This paper presents our use of excimer devices in our everyday practice at the Hospital of Nice.
Professor Thierry PASSERON