
Clarteis : Light For Skin Health

Monochromatic excimer device to treat

  • Alopecia Areata
  • Vitiligo
  • Psoriasis
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Mycocis Fungoides

Discover Clarteis

Clarteis is a French company having its headquarters in Sophia Antipolis,
the biggest European technopole located on the French Riviera.

The whole company is driven by innovation and quality: two characteristics clearly visible
on our products. Clarteis is ISO 13485:2016 certified for its quality management and the exciplex®
is now approved as a medical device in more than 45 countries worldwide (Europe, USA, Japan,
Australia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE..etc.)

Our product

The exciplex device non plugged


exciplex® is the smallest monochromatic excimer light to treat localized autoimmune skin conditions like Alopecia Areata, Vitiligo, Psoriasis .

Resources Center

a doctor's hand taking notes
Clinical papers & Articles
a set for recording and filming
the exciplex suitcase and the device with doctors speaking behind
and image of a desk with a computer and hands holding a tablet

Global network

Clarteis is present in more than 45 countries worldwide

For information regarding exciplex® or partnership in your country , please contact us

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